Monday, March 21, 2011

About me

I can't remember where I heard this, but you need to know where someone sits before you can hear where they stand. Or something like that. So I am going to try and give you and idea about where I sit before I tell you where I stand.

I am the father of four children, 3 boys and 1 girl. I most likely want to turn these thoughts into a book down the road but really want to begin to processes of getting my thoughts out and digital. So for some reason I feel led to do it this way, even though I am not totally sure as to why. My skepticism about what is typically done on the web is about making money or about some weird form of narcissism or blatant self promotion. So with that concept in mind, I am trying to share what is coming from within me simply as an attempt to influence my children, not for any financial gain if there was any to be had.

I have been married for almost 14 years. I have a wonderful wife. Between the two of us, we work really hard at making our marriage work. We certainly have had our share of difficulties throughout the years but in the end, I trust her and she trusts me. Not to be perfect but to be authentic and real, to admit your mistakes, to care about the other, and to work hard. Even though she works way harder than me, I try to keep up with her example.

As I see the massive proliferation of everything "social" on the web, and as I uncover what I believe are the truths I encounter, I want a venue to publish these items, primarily for my children and then where ever God takes it from there.

I am a follower of Jesus and believe implicitly in the teachings of the Holy Bible. I can't remember where I read this, but it is a quote of a missionary's 15 year old daughter and I would give credit if I could, but she captures what I believe:

"I believe that the infinite, personal God made you and me, and that we are not simply part of nature. We are created in the image of God. Evil is not just something out there that looks unpleasant; it is truly evil because it's contrary to Him. God has mad Himself known in the Bible. The paramount idea of the Bible is the person of Jesus Christ who came to save us from sin. Through Him we can know God and enjoy everything He has given. We can die in hope."

I think that pretty much sums up my thoughts on what I believe at the core. I'll try and track down where that came from.

So as a parent of 4 children, I have a very vested interest in trying to teach them what is true in this world and try to help them learn how to make decisions about life.

To start, I want to quote Matthew 7:13-14:

"Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few."

At the end of the day, this is the key to life. We are constantly sold what life should be by others. Those ways can seem easy and many are following the easy path. But the path to happiness, I mean true sustained happiness, not momentary short term happiness is through the narrow gate. And those who find it are few.

At the beginning of the book, "The Road Less Traveled," by Scott Peck, it says this, "Life is difficult." Life isn't meant to be easy. Once you understand this, and quit fighting against this truth and meet Jesus along the way, the purpose of your life will ultimately become clear.

So as I pull together my thoughts that I want to share in this regard I am planning on writing about the following that will start as short blog posts but hopefully turn into something bigger:

Chapter 1 - My failings as a father don't negate the truth of Jesus
Chapter 2 - What is this world selling?
Chapter 3 - What is this world telling?
Chapter 4 - What is the truth about the Bible?
Chapter 5 - The crown of the Bible
Chapter 6 - What happened after Jesus died?
Chapter 7 - How do you choose a mate?
Chapter 8 - How do you choose your direction?
Chapter 9 - What is success?

My intention is to draw from the experience I have as a sojourner on this thing called life. To draw together those thoughts in such a way as to be relevant to my children and people that I may influence with these thoughts.

Interesting, today I heard that a good friend of mine had served his wife with divorce papers. I actually heard about it on Facebook, if you can believe that. This friend had moved from Colorado to Atlanta and has recently rejected Jesus. As the child of a pastor, as someone who was about to quit his well paying job to become a pastor, as someone who has two beautiful children, he bought the deception hook line and sinker. All I can do is pray for him and his family that somehow he will be drawn back into the light. It is also a reminder as to how quickly someone can head down the wrong path. How quickly someone can head to that wide open gate and be led straight to destruction.